Study Guides


This link provides free study guides to a wide range of topics and questions.  There is much valuable material here but because its scope is so wide there is bound to be some material that does not interest you at the moment.  We have placed some summaries on this page to help you with your decision-making.


Creation not confusion.

While there is much confusion over various worldviews, behaviours and beliefs, Gary Bates here explains the Bibles answers to the major questions, such as where we go when we die.


The Creations Answers Book

Each chapter in this book deals with a specific question, and you can download just the answers to questions that interest you.  For example:  Does God Exist?, Did God really take Six Days?  What about the Gap Theory?  What about carbon dating? How did bad things come about?  Was NoahÕs Flood global?  Where are all the human fossils? How did animals get to Australia?  What about the ice age?  What happened to the dinosaurs?


Goo 2 U, via the Zoo DVD.

This study guide is designed to compliment the DVD by the same name.  It is designed for teenagers.


Life in the Great Ice Age

A colourful novel, said to be a fascinating and enjoyable way for the whole family to learn how the Bible explains the Ice Age.


Refuting Evolution

This is an excellent book, that has been digitised, and you can download whichever chapters you want for free. 


World Winding Down

A study guide helping one to understand the Law of Disorder – and how it demands a creator.


The Astronomy Book.

This book can also be downloaded by the chapter.  As well as describing the astonishing features of the solar sytem and beyond, it explains why some of the features observed demand a creator.


The Geology Book.

Ten chapters of explanation of the geology of planet Earth.  But it also explains why so much geology points to a Creator.


Billions of Years?  Appraising the dangers.

Four great scientists have put this rebuttal of a popular childrens book that uses pseudo-science to indoctrinate children into believing science suports evolution.


Darwin:  The Voyage that Shook the World.

You can purchase the PDF from this site and also download the free study guide.  This guide suggests the vital questions you should be asking as you read the descriptions of DarwinÕs voyage in the sailing ship the Beagle, as told in many high school and university biology texts.


One blood: The biblical answer to racism.

Eleven chapters and a conclusion that helps modern peoples better understand a variety of racial issues in a genuinely loving and yet scientific analysis.